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Adopted a Jack Russell terrier

Two years ago, we adopted a 2-year-old Jack Russell terrier, which we were so excited to have him. About 3 weeks into him living with us, he started eating our perfect leather furniture. We tried everything to get him to stop but nothing was working. I was telling a friend of mine, who trains dogs, about what was going on and she highly recommended Debbie to work with him. To be honest, at that point I was ready to try anything.

I called her and spoke with her assistant, which she was so pleasant and understanding, that I was excited to 'meet' with Debbie. We scheduled a day and time I would speak with her, and she was amazing. On our call, Debbie also told me some information, about our Boston Terrier, that had passed away a couple month prior, that just floored me as I did not mention anything about her passing!! She was spot on!! She truly is amazing.

She reached out to Max, our dog, and was able to get a better understanding of his issues and background and was able to share them with me. She has also performed a couple Emotional Code sessions, which to be honest, helped him tremendously.

I am not sure how she does this or how it works but I do know that everything she has done and shared with me has been exact and she has worked miracles with Max. Being a Jack Russell, he will always have high anxieties but now they are so much more in check and manageable.

I highly recommend Debbie and all she has to offer regarding assistance with any issues you are having with your pets. From time to time, I reach out to her, and she still helps me with whatever is going on.

My husband and I are so thankful she has been able to help us with Max!!

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Witnessed a Miracle

I lost my Gizzy on July 10, 2019 and sunk into a deep depression. For months I searched for an animal communicator who could connect me with her and I hired 3 different professionals. The best is Debbie Johnstone. Being able to connect with Gizzy through Debbie once a month pulled me out of the darkness. She is a really a special person and gifted at what she does. I would love to someday speak to my animals like her and I hope to through her monthly classes.  Debbie also after a few months of interaction was able to walk me and Gizzy through a soul exchange where my Gizzy was able to find another female cat who would soul exchange with her so she could come back to live with me. Without going into too much detail for the purposes of this review I will only say I’ve witnessed a miracle.  I’m so very glad I found Debbie and will continue to support her work through taking her classes and staying connected to my fur babies through her. I highly recommend her to anyone who is suffering from grief over the loss of a beloved pet or just looking to be closer to their fur baby. You’ll be happier for it.

Mar W., Phoenix, Az.

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She is Home

Dear Debbie, I am so grateful to you.
Thanks for your friendship all these years and for being such a wonderful member of my human/canine family. The communications, your insights, our shared discovery and illumination are such a blessing. Our last communiqué truly impacted me. . I love Mira. She is in her forever home. Let her know that. And I know Lucky does adore her as Lucky adores everybody. I could feel today that Mira is SO grateful. She has the most beautiful brown eyes. She has become so attached to all of us. We really love her little personality. And she’s smart. Let her know she is here forever. I made her a cute little perch on top of the radiator below the music room window today It overlooks a park across the street, so there is always a lot of activity… people playing Frisbee, people walking their dogs, Mothers and little kids in strollers, a little group of pre-K children who walk the neighborhood from the daycare on a one way street around the corner (so grateful for a one way street).

I AM so Happy to give this sweetheart a life she deserves... one of love, abundance, health, adventure and joy.

By the way, did I tell you her full name is Miracle? .
She is HOME.
Kathleen M., NY

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Thank you so much – what an awesome session

Thank you so much - what an awesome session. So helpful and I feel more connected than ever to my kiddos. So wonderful to meet and work with you!

It's been so interesting to notice things differently after talking with you. I’ve made good on all the requests – Rocky is really enjoying his extra play time. Lucy has a new baby she loves, and I’m making sure Sammie has softer food options. She has an even bigger place in my heart now that I understand her level of connectedness to me and my mom. What a great experience! Thank you!


Karen W., Waukesha, WI.

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Mitzie’s Food

Hi Debbie! I went to Bonnie's Barkery yesterday and found a Fromm's weight maintenance formula with whitefish and salmon as the protein sources. I started Mitzie on it yesterday, (mixing with the old food) and she loved it! Afterwards she came over and thanked me with wags and kisses! She seems so happy and bouncy since our session! Wanted you to know and thanks again!
Mary & Bill P., Phoenix, AZ
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Yorkie in Spirit Sends New Dog to Family

Last October I had to put my fifteen-year-old Yorkshire to sleep and it was a devastating time for us.  She was very sick, but I needed to know she thought it was okay for me to put her to sleep, so I contacted Debbie.  She e-mailed me my answered three questions, which were comforting and kind of what I expected to hear.  But the next day she emailed me saying Sasha came back to her with an orange and blue ball and kept throwing it down until she agreed to tell me about it.  I have to say I immediately dismissed it because Sasha would never play with balls.  She just did not "get" playing with balls, so I just put the e-mail away.

In January I finally convinced my husband I needed another dog and he reluctantly agreed.  He could not imagine loving another dog.  My daughter found another Yorkie on the internet in foster care for us to look at for adoption.  I finally got to meet him and asked to adopt him but they said they had three other people that wanted him.  I was discouraged but they called that night and said I could have him because they had a feeling we were right for him.  Imagine my reaction when the only thing he came with was an orange and blue ball.  I believe my Sasha sent him to us, and we love him dearly.   I am thankful to Debbie; she didn’t have to send the second e-mail but she did…thankfully.

Colleen, California
Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator talk to dog in spirit Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator Talks to Yorkie in Spirit

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Kitty Conveys He Is Not Ready to Cross Over

This afternoon Debbie Johnstone (animal communicator & friend) called me & checked in on Max...she said he had a green aura and was in good spirits except that he has an earache...the right ear more so than the left.  She said he also felt a bit dehydrated but not "on his way out."  We know he has some kidney issues, but this seems more related to his ears and respiratory system.  (I also remembered that he had been sneezing for a couple of weeks, then quit about a week ago...I figured it was allergies.)

I am thrilled to report that that is exactly what the vet reported as well.  Max is not happy about the ear cleaning he received or the subcutaneous fluids they injected to hydrate him, but he went straight to his food and ate as soon as we got home so I believe all is forgiven 🙂

Thank you all so much for your support!  I know each of you has experienced that helpless feeling when an older pet (or one of any age) is sick.

Debbie, I am so grateful for you tuning into Max so clearly and helping us get through once again!

Love to all,
Scottsdale, Arizona

Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator Talks to Cat

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Kitty in Spirit Reaches Out to Heal Heart

Debbie was recommended to me by a sweet lady on the rainbow bridge website after the passing of my beautiful cat Lily. She was so caring and sweet it was easy to be comfortable around her and share the feelings I did. She assured me my kitty was still with me in spirit form worried about my heart because I missed her so badly, yet she was grateful I let her go. It gave me peace knowing she was still with me and gave me guidance to find my new kitten Rosie. Lily also said she would be returning to me eventually in life through reincarnation which made me very excited 🙂 Her gift and services were very much appreciated and I will be booking more sessions for sure!

Leah Turvey, Alberta Canada

Debbie Johnstone, Animal Communicator, Talks to Lily, Cat in Spirit

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Pug Reaches Out from Spirit to Heal Heart

Thank you Debbie, you have helped me tremendously with all you have done for me, for us, and we thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts. Since the first reading I have changed, become happier, healed a great deal, I have a new sense of joy. And I haven’t cried in a while either. I wish I had contacted you a long time ago but I don’t think I was ready then. Still I think it would have saved me a lot of heartache. The loss of Horton took me to a place of hurt I have never been before, you have helped me see things from a different point of view. Hearing from Horton was the most wonderful gift. Even David says I am a lot happier then he has seen me in years and for this I thank you.

Andrea Melbourne Australia

Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator talks to Little Pug in Spirit Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator talks to Little Pug in Spirit

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Kitty Breathes Sigh of Relief

Hi Debbie,

I forgot to tell you this on Wednesday, but between sending you the email regarding my intentions to help Siama (cat) transition and receving your reply below, I laid on the floor next to her and she relaxed with her face in my hand. She literally sighed then seemed to fall asleep. It was only moments after that I saw your message about her sigh of relief. I experienced it as you were feeling it. Just thought I'd pass that along.

Have a blessed day,

Lisa, Phoenix, Arizona

Kitty requests through Animal Communicator Debbie Johnstone help to cross over

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