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Cat Returns from Spirit, Shows Up in Garage

Hi Debbie 🙂  Blessed 2013!!!

I wanted to thank you again for our phone call last year about Magick. In the conversation you said Magick said he would be coming back by the end of the year and to send a picture of him when he does. New Years Eve this little guy just Magically appeared in our garage. I have never seen him before, he is not neutered or micro chipped and the most loving, smart, fear free little fellow, The vet and I guess him to be around 6 months old. I have put up flyers and posted him on Craigslist and Facebook as a found Tabby. No one has responded. I saw another one who looks like him a few condos down the day after but not since. On New Years Eve David took the trash down to the garage and saw him and he ran to the opening and turned around and looked at him and came back. David called me and said there is a different cat in the garage..(I feed all the ferals, and wild critters around here) so I came in, David left and I sat down and this little guy came right up to me and jumped in my lap so I brought him up stairs and he just made himself at home. When I took him in to get wormed his name on the file was "Stray" but we have decided to keep him and his name is now Merlin's Magick...He answers to Merlin...before I had Magick I had a cat named Willow tree who looked just like him,,the brown tabby body and when the man I was with at the time let him out he got hit by a car and came back as Merlin (Flame Point), when Merlin died he came back as Magick . I just wanted to share this with you ,,,and I know I do not need to ask but do YOU think he is Magick?

I wish for you a very blessed New Year filled with the golden light of love and compassion and want you to know how very grateful I am to have met you and connected with you. You are a very special soul with a loving gift.

With gratitude and love!
Barbara, California

Magick KittyMerlin Kitty




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Spirit Cat Reaches Out to His Person

I wanted to let you know that the evening before Christmas Eve, I got into bed and could not sleep and finally turned on my stomach which I never do because of a neck injury. In this position my head was turned to my end table where I placed a Christmas Angel Ornament for Lily. I was fully awake, not in meditation - suddenly I started to see a configuration of bright light twisting and turning and suddenly there was Lily! Lily showed himself to me in a sitting up and then lying down position, full color! After that I turned my head and fell asleep immediately. I received my Christmas wish!

I would like to make an appointment with you to communicate with Lily. I am scheduling an appointment through your website.

Denise, NJ

Lily Cat in Spirit Reaches Out to Connect to Loved One

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Scooby, A Little Dog Returns Home from Spirit

I had to email you to let you know the latest!  After our call last week when Scooby sent you the picture of three little black/brown male puppies with one having white on his leg & chest which he indicated was him & gave you the date of December 21 - I made lunch plans with two friends that I used to work with.  We had been so busy that we hadn't talked or gotten together for a couple months.  We went to lunch on Monday & they asked me how I was doing after losing Scooby.  So I had to tell them the details of my great calls with you.  As I was relaying the details of our call last week, I noticed that my best friend, Dianna, had a funny look on her face.  When I finished telling them about the puppies you described, she said very quietly that she needed to send me some pictures.  I asked what she needed to send me pictures of and she said that her dog had puppies 3 weeks ago.  She had 6 puppies, but 3 of them were little black males and one of them had white on his leg and his chest!!!  My other friend friend immediately took out her calendar and counted the days when they would reach 6 weeks old to leave their mother and you can guess what day it came out to be - December 21!!  She is bringing the puppies by the house tonight for me to see them and I will take pictures and set up a call with you next week to confirm!! This is amazing!!  I'm so glad I found you!!


Holly, Texas






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A Pug Says He is Not Ready to Crossover

Hi Debbie, I wanted to send you a follow up on my Rocket Dog. We talked about him at Pug-A-Palooza. He'd been coughing really badly, and I wasn't sure if it was time to let him go to the Bridge. You connected with him and he very adamantly assured us he was not ready. So I left him on the prednisone the vet prescribed, and another round of antibiotics. About a week or so later, he was doing soo much better! I've been tapering him off the pred, and he is so cute. He will come up to me and just lick my leg or my hand, whatever he can reach. And he kisses and kisses and kisses! He has never been such a kissy boy. I know he is thanking me for giving him the time to get better. And both he and I want to thank YOU, for helping me know he wasn't ready to go!

Terri Wood, President, Arizona Pug Adoption and Rescue Network


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A Yorkie Talks About Fun at Daycare

Debbie, this is fabulous (email transcript of conversation).  And when you mentioned the slide I nearly fell out of my seat.  There is a slide that the dogs play on but Bella is renowned as the Queen of the slide by all who work at PetSmart.  She rules the slide and only allows certain dogs up there with her.  I’m always told stories about her ruling the slide.  Sometimes she teases the dogs and slaps them from up there.  The other day I was told that she decided to be the official greeter of dogs.  She took her stance on top of the slide and whenever a dog was added to her room, she would walk down the slide and go up and greet the dog and then go back up the slide.  The next dog would come in and she would do the same thing.  All morning until all the dogs arrived.  I think she thinks the slide is her throne and she looks down over the peons of her kingdom!  This morning when I took her to “school” no other dogs were checking in at the moment and there were 4 women and 1 new man at the check-in desk.  All 4 women came over and started cooing at Bella and rubbing her ears and holding her – she reveled in it!  She gets way too much attention up there but eats it up!

I figured that you had connected to her because when I got home around 5:00, she was happier to see me than usual – she’s always happy to see me, but she was more enthusiastic this time.  And when I took her for a walk, she yawned several times and she was asleep by 6:30.  Your sessions with her tire her out, so I knew you had talked with her. You are a beautiful and gifted person. 

I hope you realize the good you do.

Thank you again. Have a beautiful and blessed day.  We’ll be in touch!

Toni S., Phoenix, Az.

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Dog In Spirit Shows Himself

Thank you so much Debbie!
We were finally able to cry tears of joy...I woke up yesterday at 5:30 am had a certain feeling so I asked Buster to visit. I grabbed my camera and went out to the kitchen and took some photos. He is a beautiful blue orb just like you said (photos attached below).
1. He is right above his water and food bowls.
2. He is right next to his old kennel.
This really just means the world to me and will help me recover. I am so happy I contacted you!!!!!!!!!!!

Angela Roberts, Fort Worth, Texas

Excerpt from actual communication session:

Will Buster Bear visit our baby that is due any day now?
Yes he will definitely visit your baby and is looking forward to interacting with her while she can see and feel him in spirit form. By the way, he comes through with a beautiful "cobalt blue" energy. As I type this he is showing himself to me as a beautiful bright blue orb.

Angela, he was very easy to connect with and talk to. He was right there when I asked for a connection to him and I did not even need to explain who I was. He already knew it. I noticed a blue orb floating around my office this morning before I did my first session. It was him, he was waiting. He is so grateful that you reached out to him. He sends his love!

With love, blessings and tail wags,

Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator Talks to Dog In Spirit







Buster Bear Dog In Spirit Shows Himself Again

Buster Bear Dog In Spirit Shows Himself


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My family and I have benefitted from Debbie’s amazing gift to communicate and work with animals. Debbie helped us to work through some challenges in bringing our dogs together. Thanks to her guidance and work with our dogs, a household of one dog joined a household with two dogs to become a thriving family. We were so successful that we introduced a little cat to our pack with great results.

Maureen Lombardo, Phoenix, Az.

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Teddy, Very Frightened Little Dog is Heard

It is my pleasure to recommend Debbie for her work with animals. She has a very special ability to communicate with animals assisting both the animals and their significant humans. Debbie volunteered to help Foothills Animal Rescue with a dog who had been abused and was fear aggressive. I witnessed an amazing communication between Debbie and Teddy Bear. Debbie and I were in his suite at FAR but our attention was averted to cats across the hallway. In that very instance Teddy Bear charged Debbie nipping her pants. Once Debbie and I sat with Teddy Bear and our focus was back on him, he tentatively approached her and climbed her lap to kiss her on her face. He was apologizing to her for his aggression and told her that he reacts without the ability to stop himself. He was very sorry and it was obvious. Those who wish to know more about their companion animals - any species - should contact Debbie and engage her services. I promise she will not disappoint. Additionally she is a consummate professional who has many abilities, is kind, gentle, loving, and truly a good person. I have learned much from her and intend to learn even more. I suspect that those who meet her as I did, also develop an admiration for her and her exceptional abilities, and consider her a friend.

Sincerely, Linda Fitch, Phoenix, Az.

Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator Talks to Very Frightened Dog

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Pomeranian Discloses She is Allergic to Corn

Debbie's ability to communicate with animals is very special and a joy to behold. For our first visit we simply wanted to connect better with our wonderful Pomeranian, and to try to get her to bark less. We learned she is allergic to corn. Our second and third visits were for assistance with conflict resolution between our Pom and her newly adopted sister, a Papillion. The gems of insight Debbie shared with our family have resulted in a much more harmonious environment. We will be back again, but next time, just to check in with the girls to see how they feel. If you want to feel closer to your fur babies, call Debbie!

Deborah Lee Hall, Phoenix, Az.

Sierra Little Pomeranian Discloses She is Allergic to Corn

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Debbie is a gifted animal communicator who not only taps in to what my dogs need but helps me be a better companion to them. She is a teacher for the humans as well as a intermediary for what the animals are trying to tell us. Debbie is kind and compassionate through difficult time as well as joyful ones, always there to help.

Andrea Chilcote, Cave Creek, Az.

Andrea is one of the author's of  Erik's Hope: The Leash That Led Me to Freedom.

Debbie Johnstone Animal Communicator Talks to Dog - Amigo

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