Animals in Spirit

Those of us blessed enough to love and be loved by an animal know the joy and contentment that comes from having a heart-to-heart connection with them. We know there is no turning back from loving an animal companion so intensely once the connection has been made. We also know how hard it is to say good-bye to our faithful animal companions, but through the gift of empathy and telepathy we can find out what our animal companions want us to know. We can learn what they are thinking and feeling before they transition back into spirit and hear their messages after they have crossed over. We can assist them, through the simple act of connecting to them and hearing what they want to say, providing them with the acknowledgment that it is important that we understand their wishes, desires and messages.

Animal Communication and animal communicators are referred to by many names:  pet psychic, interspecies communication, animal telepathy, horse, cat or dog whisperer, animal intuitive etc. How the process is defined is less important than when we love animals and want to honor and effectively communicate with them, we must relate to them not only through behavior, but beyond the physical body, to acknowledge and communicate with them at the level of their souls. 

Animals are not just our pets but are our family members, our companions and our friends.  They are wonderfully intelligent, sentient beings.  They are teachers and they are healers.  They enrich our lives beyond imagination.

Consultations are available by telephone or email and also in-person in the Phoenix, Arizona area. For more information, please visit our Services page.

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