Dear Debbie, I am so grateful to you.
Thanks for your friendship all these years and for being such a wonderful member of my human/canine family. The communications, your insights, our shared discovery and illumination are such a blessing. Our last communiqué truly impacted me. . I love Mira. She is in her forever home. Let her know that. And I know Lucky does adore her as Lucky adores everybody. I could feel today that Mira is SO grateful. She has the most beautiful brown eyes. She has become so attached to all of us. We really love her little personality. And she’s smart. Let her know she is here forever. I made her a cute little perch on top of the radiator below the music room window today It overlooks a park across the street, so there is always a lot of activity… people playing Frisbee, people walking their dogs, Mothers and little kids in strollers, a little group of pre-K children who walk the neighborhood from the daycare on a one way street around the corner (so grateful for a one way street).
I AM so Happy to give this sweetheart a life she deserves... one of love, abundance, health, adventure and joy.
By the way, did I tell you her full name is Miracle? .
She is HOME.
Kathleen M., NY