We Feel You, We Always Feel You

Messages from Spirit: As I sat down today to receive this message, I heard a voice say: “We feel you, we always feel you.” I asked who was sending this message and saw the very familiar face of a friend’s dog named Cheyenne. Cheyenne is in spirit. She appeared to me with a gigantic smile on her face. A smile that made me feel so happy, I realized I was grinning from ear to ear. I asked her what she meant. She said that I had been thinking a lot about the spirit world recently and wondering if our loved ones could always see us; even though we are unable to see them. She also said that she could hear me pondering about how real the spirit world really is even though it is invisible to most people. Before I even knew what her exact message was, I began to feel the enormity of her message and just how important it was. Tears of joy began to flow down my face.

She wanted me to know that I was on the right track. And yes, even though those of us in physical form could not see our loved ones who are in spirit; they were always near us. What she had to say next, surprised me and made complete sense to me all at the same time. She said that each of us has a very specific energetic or vibrational signature. Spirits can tune directly into that signature much like we tune into our favorite radio signal. Cheyenne said that they use our signal to tune into us through feeling and also that they are always tuned into the ones they love.

She also wanted us to know that we can do the same. Our hearts are our tuning devices. She suggested that we close our eyes and ask our hearts to tune into our loved ones on the other side. She says that our hearts know exactly what to do. All we have to do is ask for the connection, then close our eyes, breathe slowly, clear our minds and relax. When a connection is made, our body will know. We may feel a slight vibration, a little tickle, a knowing, emotions or other wonderful sensations. She also wanted to tell us that our loved ones will always respond and they always hear our call. They even hear our whispers.

With love, light blessings and of course tail wags, Debbie

Pictured: Cheyenne Cheyenne, dog in spirit talks to animal communicator, Debbie Johnstone

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