As many of you know, my constant companion of nearly thirteen years transitioned on Sunday, August 10, 2008. It was her thirteenth birthday. She was a very special little animal companion and spent almost all her waking time with me, when I was home. So it was a great physical loss, when she chose to transition.
It wasn't a surprise, she had been communicating to me that her time was near and she'd be leaving soon, for about two months. I chose to not hear her or to interpret her messages in a different way. But there was a part of me, deep down inside, that very clearly knew what she was telling me. The night before she left us, I clearly heard her tell me that this would be the last night she would be with us. I spent extra time, saying goodnight and telling her how much I loved her. I then ignored the big message of what she was trying to telling me.
Lessons Learned: Listen to your gut instinct. It's the most accurate information system ever and it's how your intuition/higher self speaks to you. And when a message keeps repeating (over and over and over like a neon sign flashing in your head), there's a reason. It's an important message. Note to self: Pay Attention!
Sugar transitioned very quickly and immediately moved into Spirit. I was able to see her around us carrying a beautiful peachy gold energy/aura; as we said goodbye to her. It was especially traumatic for me as there was an enormous amount of blood involved. I kept seeing this tiny little Pomeranian, covered in blood. I could not remember her in her beautiful glory.
Lesson Learned: Don't let a few minutes of drama replace years of love, joy, fun and beauty.
Over the next day or two; Sugar stay connected and assured me that she was coming back in physical form, right away. She told me that she was tired of being the alpha dog (we had seven female dogs and she kept them all in order) and that she wanted longer legs that worked. She had tiny little legs and had 4 surgeries on them over the course of her life. The first surgery was 2 weeks after we got her, she jumped off the coach and broke he leg. Her little legs were very achy and painful and she decided it was time to get new ones that worked much better.
Lesson Learned: This is not new, but has a lot more meaning to me now. We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. And we chose that experience.
On Monday, David called a breeder named Nancy. We got one of our other Pom's (Gracie) from Nancy. David felt this was where we'd find Sugar's new little physical suit. Interestingly enough, I had kept Nancy's phone number on the refrigerator and almost threw it out a couple of weeks before. A little voice, told me to keep it and so I did. Nancy told David that she had one little girl Pomeranian left, but it was promised to another person. David asked her to call us back if the woman decided not to take her. Nancy also told David that the Pom was four months old and was sweet but was very independent. David hung up knowing that Nancy would call back. I was not so sure.
Lesson Learned: Trust and Believe. When things seem to be the darkest, trust that everything will work out perfectly. Everything is in divine and perfect order. Even when it doesn't seem possible. Trust and Believe that the Universe wants you to be happy. It's not working against you, but is working for you!
On Tuesday, Nancy called and told us that the little Pomeranian was ours, if we wanted her. My mind was spinning. Sugar had just left us, not even three days earlier. How could she be back this soon. How could she have made arrangements to swap souls that quickly? But a little voice in my head, told me to go and look at her. Sugar also told me that I would know for sure it was her, because her birth date would be April 28, our wedding anniversary. Of course, I told no one this. If I don't tell anyone, then if it doesn't work out, nothing will be lost. Right?
Lesson Learned: Trust Yourself. If you can't trust yourself, who can you trust. Trust opens the doorway for all possibilities.
Well, we went to Nancy's. We saw the little baby and she wasn't at all what I thought she would look like. I picked her up and I could instantly feel the familiar feeling. My heart felt good again. She snuggled up underneath my chin and just cuddled with me. She didn't want to be put down, she just wanted me to hold her. I kept looking at her. Her nose, was long, her legs were long, her ears were long. Sugar had a cute little snub nose, short round little ears and very short little legs. How could this be the same little soul?
I wanted to bond with her, but there was something telling me that this couldn't be Sugar. She was born 4 months earlier and her birthday could not be April 28th. It was too late to turn back, my broken heart was starting to mend and I had already fallen in love with this little dog. A few minutes later, David brought her paperwork over to me to show me that she had been born on our anniversary. He thought it was a sign. At that moment in time, I knew that it had been a perfectly orchestrated event by a tiny giant of a soul.
Lesson Learned: Love comes in all types of packages. It's the gift inside that matters.
Here are a few more synchronicites. If I had worked them into the story, it would have been way too long, but I thought they were worth sharing.
• Nancy called the woman that she had promised the puppy to and told her she didn't think it was going to work out. She then called us.
• As soon as we walked into Nancy's house and saw Sugar Baby, she told us that she was just learning to jump off the coach. This is how Sugar broke her leg the first time around.
• Nancy told us that Sugar Baby was 4 months old, she was actually 3 1/2 months old. The exact age that Sugar was, when we first got her.
• Before leaving Nancy's house, Nancy said to me: "I don't understand it, she doesn't seem like the same dog. She's so calm and wants to be held".
• When we got home, the new little puppy fell asleep in front of my computer keyboard. This was one of Sugar's favorite places. She was home again.
• She wanted to called Sugar again. We compromised and are calling her Sugar Baby!
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers, blessings and healing energies. Your words and thoughts helped me to make it through a key point in my life. I could feel each one of you as you thought, prayed and sent energy our way. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful and loving friends. And it feels so good!
Addendum: After a couple of months of calling her "Sugar Baby", we dropped the "Baby, it just didn't resonate with us. Sugar is now Sugar again!

Sugar Number One

Sugar Number Two