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No Words by Bliss Herself

No Words by Bliss Herself

Sometimes the thing that you can do to help another is just be with them. A gentle snuggle, hug or cuddle can help them feel better. No words are necessary.

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When Your Animal Can Sense Your Feelings

Animals are very sensitive to our emotions and thoughts. Often without knowing it, we may be the cause of their problem behaviors or illness. It may be difficult to understand how this can be, but I can assure you it does happen. Animals tell me frequently that their people are not okay, they know when you are stressed, worried or not feeling well. You cannot keep your feelings a secret from them, they are tapped into us almost all time and know how we feel.

The easiest way to assist them is to be aware of your own behavior and the example you are setting for for them. Your calm and loving energy can be reassuring when your animal is going anywhere. If you are worried or concerned about a trip to the vet, the groomer, a competition or any type of outing; then your animal companion will feel it and be concerned too. In any situation that you feel your animal could become anxious; if you can remain calm and relaxed, this energy will transfer to your animal. They take their cues from you, if you are anticipating an issue or a problem, they will know and will become anxious too!.

Always imagine or see the highest and best outcome for everyone involved. It can help to envision your animal friend going to the vet in a relaxed state, seeing them happy when they are receiving attention and enjoying the car ride. If you can envision a smooth and relaxed trip, they will pick up this energy from you and go knowing everything will be just fine.

Hand and Paw

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Things We Can Learn From Our Animal Companions

1) Playing for only a few minutes can dramatically lighten our mood. 2) Taking a short nap can greatly energize us. 3) Treating each and everyday like it is the only day that matters allows us to live in the present and enjoy ourselves 4) Greet our loved ones and friend’s like you haven’t seen them in days or weeks even when they’ve only been away from us for a few hours and 5) Love like it is the only thing that matters!


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A Message from Our Animals in Spirit

Our animal companions always want us to know that they do not fear death. Most animals refer to the physical dying process as being reborn back into spirit. They appreciate that we can assist them when it is necessary through euthanasia. They often tell me that their physical bodies have worn out, but they find it difficult to detach or disconnect from the people they love so dearly. By assisting them in the process of crossing over, we give them the greatest gift that we can offer them. The gift of sending them off in LOVE.

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Talk To Your Animal Companions to Reduce Anxiety

Many animals that have separation anxiety, especially rescue animals that have been in multiple homes; have told me that they are concerned that their people are not coming home and they will be left alone. I suggest that you make focused eye contact before you leave and tell them that you are leaving and when you will be home. Don’t worry about them not understanding your words, they will pick up on the energy of your thoughts. That’s why you need to be focused. This is a great way to communicate anything to your animal companions. If you will be away on vacation; let them know a few days in advance and tell them who will be taking care of them. Animals need to know what is happening in their home and will love it when you take the time to connect with them.

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