Archive for » 2010 «

Kitty Explains from Spirit What Caused Accident

Like many others who have had the opportunity to witness and be part of Debbie’s incredible gift that she so selflessly  shares, it’s hard to begin to put into words how much she has helped me thru a very hard time recently when I suddenly, and tragically, lost one of my boys, Bailey. I was not in the room when the accident happened, but I’d heard a commotion of what I thought were my two boys playing around. I heard Bailey call out to me, as it turns out, so that I could be by his side as he passed. I had so many questions as to what happened and was mad and confused as to why this had happened.

I remembered hearing of Debbie in a conversation with a noted Master Energy Healer in Phoenix not 2 weeks prior. Not knowing where else to turn, I decided to contact her to see if she could help me connect with Bailey. I needed answers; I needed to understand. I had no expectations of what would result from our session, not wanting to be disappointed. However, Debbie was able to connect with Bailey and he provided (yes, he) a detail of what happened. I was shocked and speechless! There was no way Debbie could have known what had transpired or the specific details of the scene, so I knew this was my Bailey! If anyone reading this testimonial has even a hint of doubt (the reason you’re reading testimonials is for validation, right?), throw it out.

Even though I will never understand why, it helped ease the pain and guilt to know what had happened, that there was nothing I could have done to prevent the accident and that Bailey is alive and around me in spirit. That was very comforting. I am deeply indebted and forever in gratitude to Debbie for sharing her amazing gift God has given her. I have continued to depend on her gift and her insight to help in the transition of adding a new member to our family, Sasha. Debbie will always be the “12th man” on our family team! Thank you, Debbie, for so selflessly sharing your amazing gift with those who care so much to hear what their animal friends cannot verbally speak 🙂

Namaste, Rebecca – Phoenix, AZ

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Little Dog Comforts His Human from Beyond

It was such a heart warming message you recieved for me from my beloved dog, Chibi-jon. I have listened to the Happy Healer show today and I was so grateful you took my message and helped me. I am sure you have many listeners who want your help. I feel so honored and feel this was a great early Chistmas Present for me. Not only did it make me feel relieved and happy, but through me, you made my friends who had the same experience feel a lot better to know our animals are always going to be around us and they will come back when the timing is right.

Please always remember your one message helps not only the person who is listening but other listeners and friends!

I would like to thank both you and Alex from the bottom of my heart. Since Animal communication is not as popular in Japan as it is in the US, I have never had an opportunity to have a reading.

I will look forward to your up coming news letters.

Love, JoAnne – Tokyo, Japan

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Horse Offers Insight Into His Past

Working with rescue horses we often don’t know the history and have to guess at some behaviors and medical issues we see.  Debbie has offered us new insight into some of these unanswered questions and we have been so much more effective in helping the horses that come our way. I know the horses in our barn have been so grateful that Debbie speaks on their behalf and I know our treatments have improved dramatically after Debbie has given us so much insight as to what is going on!

Soleil Dolce – Scottsdale, Arizona
Vice President of Arizona Equine Rescue Org., Scottsdale, Arizona

Horses from Equine Rescue Share Insights

Where do I begin? I help run a rescue in the Prescott area, and we had the pleasure of Debbie coming to our facility and speaking to many of our animals. I learned amazing things about each and every animal she talked with. It in turn has helped us humans to better understand each of their fears and needs. A lot of our horse rescues have been in terrible emotional and health status upon arriving here at the ranch. We have been able to meet their needs as individuals with Debbie’s help. A lot of the information was heart breaking, but without it we would have not been able to fully understand where the horse/dog/cat is emotionally and physically. We will definitely be working with Debbie as part of our on going rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Many Thanks and Blessings to you, Debbie.

Angel, TAILS Horse Rescue – Mayer, Arizona

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Horse Shares Information While He is Colicking

My horse, Cheers, was colicking one night and I called Debbie for help. Not only did she stay on the phone with me for over an hour letting me know what treatments were helping and what he was feeling so I could change what I was doing, but she also helped us get our guy back on his feet again doing energy work on him and he’s never colicked again!

Soleil Dolce – Scottsdale, Arizona

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