Archive for the Category »FAQ «

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Animal Communication?

What is Telepathic Communication?

Are You Able to Communicate with Animals in Spirit or Animals That Have Crossed Over?

How Long Will It Take Before I See Results?

Do You Need to Be Physically With My Animal for the Session to Work Well?

Will We Need More Then One Session?

What Types of Animals Do You Work With?

Can You Tell My Animal to Stop Doing Something or Change Its Behavior?

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What is Animal Communication?

Animal Communication is a form of intuitive or telepathic communication, a non-verbal language. It is something that we are born with and is a very natural ability. When we are babies, we see animals as being no different then ourselves. They are simply just little furry balls of love and fun; who speak the same language as we do. As we get older we are taught to speak using language and we begin to forget that speaking telepathically is even possible. We are also taught that animals are less intelligent and inferior to humans and are unable to think, feel or make choices for themselves.

Intuition is present within each and every one of us, but many of us are unaware of it. You may have turned it off when you were younger or you may use it and be unaware that you are doing so. But I can assure you, it’s there. Whether you know it is there or not, it exists within you and you can be taught to access it again. You may also have found that when you follow your intuition, circumstances usually work out for the best. Here are a few everyday situations that highlight the use of intuition.

  • Knowing who is on the telephone before you pick it up.
  • Thinking about or singing a particular song and then switching on the radio and it’s playing.
  • Having recurring thoughts of a specific person for a few days and then receiving a phone call or email from them.
  • Recognizing that someone is upset or angry even if there is no external sign.
  • Changing lanes on the highway just in time to avoid an accident or a traffic jam.
  • Suddenly feeling an unexplainable dislike or uncertainty about someone or something. (This is your intuition telling you to pay attention or watch out.)

When someone is thinking of us, emailing or preparing to call us; or when someone we love needs us, we can "pick up" on that message. We become aware of their energy reaching out to us. That's telepathy or telepathic communication. The telepathy used in Animal Communication operates on that same principle. It is simply a more focused and intentional use of telepathy.

Your intuition is your channel for connecting to and understanding what your animal companions are saying. You mentally and emotionally send information and receive information (telepathy) through your intuitive channel (energetic connection). Intuitive information is transmitted via six separate and distinct ways: hearing, seeing, knowing, feeling, smelling or tasting. None of these methods is better then the other and many times information comes through in more then just one way.

Animal Communication can be helpful for many common behavioral problems. It is guaranteed to deepen your understanding and enhance your relationship with your animal companions. Connecting with your animal intuitively can help you:

  • Determine if your animal companion has any health issues or concerns.
  • Know what they need to be happy, comfortable and content.
  • Achieve a greater understanding of each other and improve your relationship.
  • To know what their wishes are in regards to death and dying.
  • With adopting new animals and introducing them to your family.
  • Find out about a rescued animal’s past.
  • With puzzling or curious behavior.

Many people report that after a communication session; their animals seem happier and more content. Their troubling behavior can change almost instantly. Animals report that it feels good to be heard and to be understood.

I believe that everyone can learn to use their intuitive channel to talk to and understand their animal companions. People that are more inclined to use their right brain or who practice creative activities regularly may find it easier. However, with practice, an open mind, trust and patience anyone can tune into the thoughts of their animal friends.

Our animal companions are amazing teachers and healers. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is learning to hear what they have to say. Just like infants and small children, they remain very clear and connected to spirit. They live in the present moment and consistently practice unconditional love. What they want most for themselves is to be heard, to be loved and to be understood. What they want most for us, is exactly the same.

Have you listened to your own animal companion today?

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What is Telepathic Communication?

Telepathic communication is the first language of all living beings. It’s our natural ability to sense the thoughts, feelings, images, ideas, and sensations of another being – whether our own or a different species – without the spoken word. This innate ability enables each of us to more fully understand what the other is experiencing in life.

Through telepathic communication, we open to the deepest possible connection with another living being. It is a relationship of heart, soul and spirit. We experience not only a quality of loving compassion and union but also an understanding of, and appreciation for, our animal family members that we may never have imagined possible.

What Does a Telepathic Connection Feel Like?

In a telepathic connection, we feel/know/experience that all living beings are “One”: that we all come from and are of the same spiritual source. The differences we perceive – from person to person or from animal to animal – are only the differences in the way we physically manifest in this world.

In a telepathic connection, we are able to hear an animal speak from the soul. We experience how the animal feels in his/her physical body, understand his/her thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We can share in the bigger picture of life as seen from the animal’s perspective.

by Debbie Johnstone, Professional Animal Communicator and Intuitive Consultant
Visit Listen2Animals for more information

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Are you able to communicate with animals in spirit or animals that have crossed over?

Yes I am able to connect with animals that are now in spirit. Connecting to the spirit or the energy inside a living animal is very similar to connecting to an animal that is in spirit. Animals that have crossed over love to reconnect to their people. They always want to let their humans know that they are safe and sound and often have very healing messages to communicate.

I can also assist you in knowing whether your animal companion is ready to transition. Animals do not fear death, they look at the transition process; as a rebirthing process back into spirit. They are always open to talking about what their wishes are in regards to death and dying. They want you to know what they know, they want you to feel comfortable in knowing what their wishes are and they want you to feel at peace with the decisions you make for them.

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How long will it take before I see results?

I am unable to you exactly how long it will take to see results. You will receive answers to some of your questions immediately, because the questions are often simple (e.g. What is your favorite food? Do you like play time with the dog next door? etc.) Other questions/issues can be much more involved as we explore the situations and work towards a resolution. Often emotional issues can be a bit like "peeling an onion". Once one layer is uncovered, it often reveals something else. In situations like, this it may take more then one session to get to the root cause. We will do as much as possible in the scheduled time and and you can always schedule another session if you have additional questions or would like to explore more. I would suggest scheduling a minimum of 30 minutes per animal or more.

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Do you need to be physically with my animal for the session to work well?

No it is not necessary for me to be with your animal for the session to work well. I connect to animals telepathically, therefore distance is not a determinant. I will ask you to send me a photo of your animal as it will assist me in focusing the connection. I like to describe what I do as energetic communication. I tap into your animal's energy or their energy field. Thoughts are energy and even when a very large distance exists between myself and the animal, I can easily connect to their thought energy. It is the same if I am in the presence of the animal or communicating over distance (city, state or continent).

When I connect to your animal, I receive the information in the form of images, sounds, feelings, physical sensations, tastes, scents and sometimes even words. These are all transmitted very quickly, regardless of the location or distance. Each animal is unique and communicates in their own way. Just like people have specific traits when they communicate.

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Will we need more then one session?

Usually one session is all that is needed. The process is effective and when dealing with behavior changes the results are generally immediate, especially when an agreement has been reached. I will make recommendations and suggestions for you to follow up with to maintain the change and enhance the experience. Animals want to live in peace and harmony and as long as their needs are being met or a compromise is agreed upon, they are quite happy to change. There have been times when I have firmly indicated to the animal that the request is non-negotiable. Just like people, each animal has its own personality, wishes and desires. Every session is unique. A successful change in an animals behavior is just as much a reflection of the people involved and their desire to understand their animals needs. When an animal knows that his/her people want to be involved in the solution, they usually agree easily to a mutually satisfactory solution.

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What types of animals do you work with?

I work with all animals. Most of my work is done with cats, dogs, horses and birds. But I've talked to turtles, tortoises, elephants, dolphins, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, ferrets, fish, insects and many others.

I have a great story where I helped a friend move, a whole army of ants that had invaded her kitchen, harmlessly outside.

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Can you tell my animal to stop doing something or tell it to change its behavior?

Because our animals have free will and choose their own thoughts and behaviors, I cannot tell the animal what to do. That works as well as telling a person what to do. I have lots of experience working with animals and can, I can offer various solutions and alternatives. I will also talk with your animal and help it understand how its behavior is affecting you and your family, both human and other animals. Often times, just the simple act of helping an animal understand how its behavior is affecting the people he/she loves, can motivate a change. I will also work towards reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement for everyone that is involved. At times, it is a bit of a negotiation process and other times it is just simply helping the animal to be aware of the effects of its behavior.

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